Friday, March 20, 2009

Vivi goes to the clothing fair

Usually I am a huge supporter of the Relay for Life. I am on a team, I organize and attend fundraising events, I DJ the actual Relay and also the clothing fair. This year I am not on any teams and I didn't DJ at all and I've felt like a bit of a slacker. I decided to go to the Relay for Life Clothing Fair with the express intention of spending money only on those items made for the Relay. So I stripped down to my bald ARC-of-1 self, (wearing a beautiful ensemble by Armidi by the way which is not made any better and might actually be made worse by that piece of shit flap they call a "skirt") and went to the clothing fair.

Vivi in front of the Ookami Ningen booth at the Relay for Life Clothing Fair

It looked like most designers had put a fair amount of energy and time into the Clothing Fair and I was not dissapointed at all. The space was not really *that* laggy 4 days after opening. It was kind of spread out but the decor was nice and clean and I did not have trouble navigating around. And there were a lot of things I wanted to buy -- good for the American Cancer Society (ACS).

I can echo the complaints of some of the others. My time is limited in SL. Most of the time I didn't even know who I was buying from as I was only interested in buying items where the proceeds went to the ACS and I did not bother to even browse the rest of the shops. So it would have been nice, and it would have saved me a bunch of time, to be able to go to some central location and just look at the RFL items.

Now you may say to yourself, or to me, "damn Vivi you can't even spare a little time for the American Cancer Society?" Well of course I can. I went, I saw, I shopped. I donated a metric buttload (which I am informed is more than oogobs but less than a royal fuckton) of cash on the ACS. But that's not the point. The point is to make it easy for me to spend even more money. You want me to drop that royal fuckton of cash on the ACS -- that is the idea. I left when I got tired of walking around 9 sims and ran out of time. Who knows how much I might have dropped if it had been easy.

(edit: I ran into Pips Fetid at the fair and told her this. She said they'd heard this from a bunch of people and would consider it for next year. How cool is that!?)

OMG the Snatch booth had a llama ride! Neat, huh?

Other than that, I really have no complaints. It was pleasantly laid out, the shops all looked nice -- what I saw of them. It was easy to navigate. I even discovered a bunch of new shops once I got home and opened my packages. Kudos to Snatch for the llama ride :)


Pips said...

Was great seeing you at the fair today!
We're already talking about making a central donation-vendor area next year to help save time. Thank you for the suggestion!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on all counts Vivi, and it was also refreshing NOT to fight the freebie hawks for a change.

So, next year, dear planners, all RFL items in one place (and in respective creators' stores) and even less freebies. PEASE??

You can then count on me to drop the proverbial shitload of money--more than even this year.

Pips said...

SunShine - not sure what you mean by 'freebie hawks' - can you explain? We're always looking for feedback about things we could change or do better. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Freebie hawks are those lovely creatures that show up en masse for freebies only. They do not buy, they do not contribute, they take the freebies and RUN.

It makes for lag, bad feelings and (my opinion only) contributes to that damnable sense of entitlement you see so much now in SL.

Thanks for asking!